报告人 | Zidong Wang | 单位 | Brunel University London |
报告题目 | Filtering for Networked Multi-rate Stochastic Systems | ||
报告时间 | 9月26日 14:45-15:45 | 地点 | 腾讯会议:281 823 654 密码:211189 |
邀请人 | 梁金玲,许文盈 | ||
报告摘要 | In this talk, we introduce the filtering problem for networked multi-rate stochastic systems. Some background knowledge is first introduced on multi-rate system from the perspectives of concepts, applications and challenges. Then, some detailed discussions are given on the network-induced phenomena, communication protocols and cyber-attacks that complicate the filter design problems. The performance indices of both error variance and H-infinity disturbance rejection are justified, and four particular cases are investigated. Finally, we conclude our main contributions and some future directions. | ||
报告人简介 | 王子栋,现任英国伦敦Brunel University讲席教授,欧洲科学院院士,欧洲科学与艺术院院士,IEEE Fellow,International Journal of Systems Science主编,Neurocomputing主编。多年来从事控制理论、机器学习、生物信息学等方面研究,在SCI刊物上发表国际论文六百余篇。现任或曾任十二种国际刊物的主编、副编辑或编委。曾任旅英华人自动化及计算机协会主席、东华大学********、清华大学国家级专家。 |